"With two brothers serving the country in the Navy, getting photographs done of the whole family was so special. Even though the family is spread around the country, we can cherish the moments we spent together at Christmas."
I'm so glad that we managed to squeeze these images in just before that major snowstorm after Christmas. Not only because family and the holidays go hand in hand, but because these images mean so much more. Kimmi contacted me asking if I'd be available to photograph family pictures. There was a bit of added urgency since only a little bit later one of the brothers would be moving to Hawaii with his family. I can definitely relate to the desire to have family photos during those special times when you are all able to be together. It's easy to get spread out and yearn for those opportunities when they aren't there. Thank you G family for recognizing the importance of that family connection. It was a pleasure to meet you all and photograph your family!